Chapter 5.History of Go

The Tale behind
the Go Stones of
Kuroki Goishiten
the Go Stones of
Kuroki Goishiten

Chapter 5
History of Go
A Guide for the Lives of Great Men
(1) Go: A Game Also Loved by Samurai

After that, Tokugawa Ieyasu, who ruled this war-torn society and forged an era of peace, did so in part by giving stipends and protecting Go players and creating Go masters. Go masters, who nurtured and honed the skills of talented Go players and continued to improve their abilities by competing in “Oshirogo (castle Go or castle games)”, in which they played Go in front of the Shogun, contributed to laying the foundation for the rules of Go that are currently adopted around the world by establishing and reconstructing the rules of Go that had been incomplete until that point.

There was a time when many Go boards and Go stones were sold in Japan due to the cultural legacy of having Go stones and Go boards as household articles of the Shogunate since the Edo period (1603–1867), as well as due to the surge in popularity of Go from the 1930s. However, since the collapse of Japan’s bubble economy in the 1990s, it is said that Japan’s population of Go players has been declining year by year due to the economic downturn, the popularity of video games, and the widespread use of PCs and smartphones. On the other hand, there are said to be more than 40 million Go enthusiasts all over the world. Boasting deep-rooted popularity as an intellectual and creative board game, Go reaches all corners of the world as a symbol of Japanese culture.
(2) Go: A Hobby of Great Men Who Changed the World

Dipping your toe into the world of Go may lead to the blooming of your imagination and thinking ability.

Go Story

Chapter 1. White Go Stones
Miraculous Clamshell Go Stones - Clamshell Go Stones Produced in Hyuga -

Chapter 2. White Go Stones
Shin Hamaguri Go Stones - Mexican Clamshell Go Stones -

Chapter 3. Black Go Stones
Supreme Black Stones - Nachiguro-ishi from Kumano City, Mie Prefecture -

Chapter 4. History of Kuroki Goishiten
Kuroki Goishiten’s Mission

Chapter 5. History of Go
A Guide for the Lives of Great Men