This Go Board is made from Hiba [ Yellow cedar ] wood.
A table Go board of around 2 sun (about 6 cm) is relatively lightweight while having a moderate thickness, so it is a popular and most commonly used table Go board.
This is a sample image. Please kindly understand that each color, texture and grain patterns vary as all our products are made from natural materials.
Hiba [ Yellow cedar ] wood is a material that is widely used as a board material because it has a bright wood color and a wood grain that is not very noticeable.
- Hiba [ Yellow cedar ] wood Table Go Board Size 20
3~5-piece composition board
*This board's lines are screen printed
thic : about 5.5cm
Weight : about 6.0 kg
- Please bear the actual cost for shipping charges outside Japan.
You may find small knots, burrs, rolled-in bark as all these products are made of natural trees.
There may be some small flaw or scratch, dent, chipping.